Just a Book

Published on 24 July 2024 at 21:28

Let's Talk New Hunger Games Book Please!

         OK this not just a Book! Susanne Collins has written another book and it's the 50th Games!  No joke I was trying to make a YouTube Channel to go over the Chapters one by one, but Sound kept messing up and et cetera. Anyway, I was editing the first video the day it was announced! So excited! 

          Yes, I know I'm late to the game (was this a pun?), but technology literally HATES ME! I've heard may thoughts on this book. Like: Who is the point of view we will be reading from? Will we be able to see inside the Games or in a Gamemaker position? Will it be First Person or not? Honestly, it would be cool if it was Maysilee and Haymitch's POV! That way we can see both their individual experiences and thoughts. Maybe add a Gamemaker to show what the other side sees? Ya, Just A Thought

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